Monday, July 21, 2008

It's like coming out..again!

It's amazing how comfortable we become in life. Even though we have the love and support of our family & friends daily. We have been facing some new challenges. People naturally assume that when a woman is pregnant that she has a husband or a boyfriend. :)

Sarah really gets a kick out of enlighting these unsuspecting strangers as they realize that she is not the norm. It seems that Sarah enjoys being an advocate for alternative lifestyles!!
Honestly we have been finding that most people are very supportive, especially in the healthcare industry. This is not a new topic for folks, but to hear about it is very different from experiencing it first hand. I'll be sure to post any interesting situations as Sarah begins to show more and more. I'm sure we will run into some poor homophobic stranger in the grocery aisle! I just hope for their sake that they aren't trying to rub Ms. Sarah's belly as this is happening.

My sweet and supportive sister just had to explain the situation to her 15 year old son.
He is a smart guy and already had Sarah & I pegged. I'm not surprised. He just asked when the baby is due.

We have had some positive support at work as well. This is going to be a long journey for us and our child, I'm just glad that there is so much love in this world. Okay, now I'm getting sappy! (The world needs all the love it can get!)

Friday, July 18, 2008

First pictures

Introducing baby Halson! Contrary to what the name of our blog implies, we are waiting to find out the big question until we meet him/her for the first time.